Children are an active and vital part of our worship life. We do not send them to a seperate space (though there is a staffed nursery for little ones who need a break). Children are leaders, learning to be Christian disciples by helping as ushers, readers, candle lighters, and serving the family meal we share every Sunday. We have a special children's message each Sunday, followed by a craft that our younger sisters and brothers can do from their seats while they listen and participate. The squirming, question-asking, noisy fun of childhood is part of the joyful noise of our worship life.
Our Worship service is at 10:00 each Sunday morning, followed by refreshments or a meal depending on the day! Worship usually lasts about an hour. We share songs that inspire us (both old songs and new), sound Scriptural teaching, prayer for the community, world, and even our enemies, and the sharing of Holy Communion - our family meal.
Jesus spent much of his ministry calling people to be part of God's kingdom in this world. He taught through words and through actions. One of his most profound actions was sharing meals with people whom his society said "good people" shouldn't associate with. By eating with people who were considered "sinners" and "outcasts", Jesus showed that ALL people are welcome in God's gracious realm, and that God was building the Kingdom through those very people that Jesus' society said were not "good enough". Our weekly meal centers us in God's amazing grace, and helps us, in turn, be ambassadors of that grace for the world. It is a meal where ALL are welcome, because of the way Jesus ate with people.
We believe that when we worship we are refreshed in the healing waters of baptism, strengthened, consoled and challenged by the Living Word, and nourished by Jesus in his meal. We are remade into Christ's body for the world, sent forth to love and serve in Jesus name.
We hope and pray that you feel truly welcome when you worship with us, and will be inspired to grow in God's love and service as we, together, discover God's Kingdom being made known in our world.